Our Story

Hi, my name is Amy! I was born in Columbia, Missouri and moved to Kentucky when I was five. I was taught at a young age to work for what you wanted, my first job was at fifteen in a ladies boutique. This job fueled my love for clothing and fashion, my first business was Ooh-La-La. The store quickly grew into a successful business and I loved it. However, due to some very traumatic events in my life I had to close my store. I found myself as a single mom barely being able to take care of my son. I knew in my heart someday I would open another business, that it just wasn’t the right time. This dream came to life in 2008, I was blessed again and had a great business. I was lucky enough to get the news that I would soon be adopting a beautiful baby girl not long after the store opened. Khloe came to work with me and spent most of her younger years in the store. I sold that store in 2013 and fast forward 5 years later, I opened I️’m So Fancy Boutique in 2017, but it was much smaller then. The store is named after my dog, Fancy. (If you know me, you know I️ love my dogs).
As time went on, the store expanded and started carrying more women’s clothing and really a little bit of everything. From toys, baby/kids clothes and items, women's fashion, home decor, pet items - you name it, we probably sell it!
In 2020, COVID hit. That’s when the store started doing Facebook Lives and posting more pictures for our customers to shop remotely. We are glad we did because now we have so many friends all over the country. The pandemic didn’t stop us!
Flash forward to 2023, we knocked the wall out, combined two stores into one big one, and expanded a store front in Knoxville, TN. The store is continuing to grow every single day!
We are so so thankful for all of you who have supported us. We wouldn’t be in business without YOU. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your day. We truly have the best customers in the world!

The Fancy Girls

The Fancy Girls